Selection Guide - GC septa


  • Instrument
  • Size
  • Material - Low bleed, soft, long lasting

Septa types

  CRS GP (General purpose) GC septa (GP grade) CRS Puresep T GC septa CRS AG3 (Advanced Green 3) GC septa (EC grade) CRS Marathon GC septa (MN grade) CRS BTO® GC septa (HT grade) Enduro Blue GC septa
  GP Grade Septa CRS Puresep T GC septa EC Grade Septa MN Grade Septa HT Grade Septa Enduro Blue Septa
  Low temperature applications Enhanced durability and low bleed for low temperature applications. Combines significantly longer injection life, low bleed and low injection port adhesion. Premium septum for autosamplers. Up to 400 injections per septum. Bleed and temperature optimized, combined with outstanding mechanical properties for the highest temperature applications. Retains softness and pierceability at high temperatures, and low injection port adhesion. For Shimadzu GCs
Material Silicone Silicone/PTFE High temperature silicone High temperature silicone BTO silicone High temperature silicone
Durability Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Resealing Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Solvent resistance Excellent Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Tear resistance Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Maximum temperature 275°C 225°C 350°C, 300°C for 17 mm size 350°C, 300°C for 17 mm size 400°C, 330°C for 17 mm size 350°C

CRS Endura-Seal GC septa

CRS Endura-Seal GC septa are resilient to needle wear and tear, eliminates coring and are recommended for automated analysis that requires long run times. Endura-Seals are a patented alternative to typical silicone-rubber injection port septa for gas chromatography. They work in a 2-part sealing system that includes the septa and the sealing nut. Endura-Seals offer excellent durability and good resealing, for use at maximum injector temperature of 400°C.

View the range of CRS GC septa