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31 products

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Application Note - Immobilized pepsin digestion of Cytochrome-C
Brochure - Automated Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange
Brochure - Automated Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange (Japanese)
Brochure - LEAP CHRONECT Quantos integrated powder-liquid automation system
Brochure - MFx collector Sale price
Brochure - MFx collector (Japanese)
Brochure - Syringes for the laboratory
Image representing LEAP HDX automationLEAP HDX automation
LEAP HDX automation Sale price
Image representing LEAP infusion automationFigure 1 Sample infusion
LEAP infusion automation Sale price
LEAP MFx collectorLEAP MFx collector
LEAP MFx collector Sale price
LEAP MFx collector accessoriesLEAP MFx collector accessories
LEAP MFx collector accessories Sale priceFrom
LEAP NMR prepstationLEAP NMR prepstation
LEAP NMR prepstation Sale price
Image representing LEAP infusion automation
LEAP PAL automation Sale price
Power supply for PAL-xt and PAL3 systems (PAL3.PS)
LEAP PAL power supply module Sale price Regular price
Seal cap kit for PAL solvent and wash vials (PAL.KITSEALCAP KITSEALCAP)
LEAP PAL seal cap kit Sale price
90 mm tension cord for PAL-xt and legacy PAL autosamplers (PAL.CORDH PAL Tcord90 MZ 30-23 G6500-888014 093632-027-00 short bungee cords)280 mm tension cord for PAL-xt and legacy PAL autosamplers (PAL.CORDL PAL.TcordL PAL TCord280 G6500-88005 093731-079-00 long bungee cords)
LEAP PAL tension cords Sale price