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Seal cap kit for PAL solvent and wash vials (PAL.KITSEALCAP KITSEALCAP)
LEAP PAL seal cap kit Sale price
90 mm tension cord for PAL-xt and legacy PAL autosamplers (PAL.CORDH PAL Tcord90 MZ 30-23 G6500-888014 093632-027-00 short bungee cords)280 mm tension cord for PAL-xt and legacy PAL autosamplers (PAL.CORDL PAL.TcordL PAL TCord280 G6500-88005 093731-079-00 long bungee cords)
LEAP PAL tension cords Sale price
Power supply for PAL-xt and PAL3 systems (PAL3.PS)
LEAP PAL power supply module Sale price Regular price
Manual - Instructions for syringe use, care and maintenance XCHANGE® syringes for CTC PAL-xt
Image representing stainless steel sample loops for 1/16" Cheminert HPLC and UHPLC injectors